System Administration
High website performance is one of the key factors driving sales in modern business. To achieve that, an integrated optimization should be carried out. And here proper website maintenance is equally important to keep your online store running smoothly, ensuring your customers an access to what you offer them.
Our team of system administrators will take it upon themselves, relieving you from the necessity of hiring extra people. Highly competent in terms of Magento system architecture, load balancing and creating fault-tolerant solutions, both on physical and cloud servers, they will optimize the way your website works and protect you against the emergencies and system breakdowns. With our system administration services your store will stay available to your customers whenever they wish to buy from you.
What we offer
Whether your store is hosted on a dedicated or a cloud server, we’re capable of meeting all your requirements, raising its performance and maintaining it in a proper condition. And though both hosting variants work well for Magento, for large eCommerce projects we offer cloud hosting as an optimal solution with more opportunities available to you.
Our Magento® cloud solution includes
a set of services as follows:
Our Magento® Cloud solution gives you a set of benefits:
You will get a fast and reliable website that adapts easily to the current load. That means that during a promotion campaign, when there is a significant rise in a number of users visiting your store, you’ll stay available to your customers, isolated from common failure scenarios. At the same time, at night, when there’s rarely a customer on a store, a number of nodes will be turned off, ready to wake up again in the morning when users come to you for purchasing while drinking their first cup of coffee
Order our Magento® system administration services now and give yourself a more powerful website.